Wisi-Oi Marketplace, is an a digital peer-to-peer platform where fashion lover may buy & sell their preloved fashion.
It stands for:
Wear It. Sell It. Own It.
This market place provides a platform for pre-loved influencer fashion. Today we get to know the fashion-forward entrepreneur who is the brains behind this venture.
Can you tell us about your background, what ignited your desire for Wisi-Oi?
I spend a lot of time shopping online from international brands, and even more, time bringing my purchases into the country. So when it’s time to clean out my closet, there are some fashion items that are really hard to donate, hence, we opened up a marketplace where fashionistas can sell their pre-loved fashion.

Can you enlighten us more on the process of creating an online brand?
We are very lucky that we live in an era whereby we have multiple platforms that allow you to easily set up your online business without the use of a developer. Our site is hosted on Shopify which is easy to set up. We make use of all the social media platforms as our main marketing channel.
How many people do you currently have on your team?
Currently, I run every facet of the business, so just one.
Do you operate your business as an online business or operating in a store?
We will always be a digital-first business.

What challenges do you face in building an online marketplace?
Growing a reliable community is very challenging, and requires a lot of content creation that is both entertaining and engaging.
Would you say there is enough support for young entrepreneurs – whether private or from the government?
I have not tried reaching out to the government or any institution in any way as we are still infant stages of the business, however, once we have a sizable growth we will start looking for assistance in order to grow the business.
What is the worst business advice you have ever received?
“It’s easy” No such a thing, building a brand new brand is much harder than starting a new job.

What advice do you have for budding entrepreneurs?
Start building your business whilst you do not have too much added financial pressure to build your business. I still have my full-time job where I use my salary to fund the business. This reduces the need for me to be financially reliant on the business.
If you could have lunch with anyone who would it be and why?
Jeff Bizos, Jack Ma & Elon Musk – They are living legends in the era of digital and they shaped the industry that I love so much into what it is today. I would love to hear their way of reasoning and logic.
You are quite the avid traveler what have been some of your favorite destinations?
Anything in Africa & Asia. Just the humility, food, and vibrancy in cultures draws me back over and over again.
Who is your woman crush Wednesday?
My late Gogo or My Mama – They are real women that have built and shaped me, my Gogo was just a phenomenal human being who was the most honest and cutthroat person I know. My mom is such a caregiver and just never stops running.
You are quite the busy woman, juggling so many roles in life. What does your self-care routine look like?
Exercise, healthy eating habits, kindness, and do not accommodate anything/anyone that comes with any sort of imbalance to your soul.
What is the motto you live your life by
Every day is day 1!
How would you describe a life well lived?
I think I can only answer that once I’ve achieved all / most that I aim to achieve… For now, I am just building one day at a time.
I would like to thank Phumelele for her time and effort all you fashionistas out there be sure to follow her socials and add to your wardrobe. If today’s post inspired you please subscribe and share the link😊.
Original article was written by Sandisiwe from her blog: Sandy's Place
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